Barbara & Stephen Abernathy

"After a couple of training sessions puppy was most happy to play in yard with minor supervision. After two-three weeks he just went out unsupervised and its great not to have to worry about him."

How an Invisible Dog Fence works

Let's start with the terms used to describe electronic fencing. Many folks use different terms to describe the same type of dog fencing. Invisible fencing, wireless fencing, electric fencing, electronic fencing, hidden fencing and underground fencing just to name a few. Ultimately most folks are describing the same type of dog fencing.


Underground fencing consists of a radio transmitter that is mounted near an outlet inside your garage or home. This transmitter produces a radio signal through a wire, like an antenna. From the transmitter, this wire is buried in the ground along the edge of your property, completing a complete loop.


Your pet wears what is called a receiver collar. This collar responds to the radio signal that is produced by the transmitter through the buried wire. The collar, when approaching the buried wire, will begin to "sound" or "beep" which acts as a signal for your pet. We use this signal to train your dog. Our exclusive training process will teach your dog how to respond to the beep. This beep is ultimately what keeps your dog safely contained in your yard.

If your pet is tempted to continue through the fence and decides to ignore the signal, then the collar will follow with a harmless static correction. Most folks refer to this correction as a "shock." However, the correction is not really a "shock." Instead, it acts as an irritant. This lets them know that approaching the boundary is

an undesirable behavior, resulting in successful containment.

Your dog will only experience this correction a few times

during the training process. Once the training process is complete

It is the warning signal that will keep your dog safely contained.